Brooklyn Pre-Purchase Home Inspections
Credible & Affordable Brooklyn Real Estate Pre Purchase Professional Co-op, Condo & Home Inspection Service only at HomeProbe!
Nationally Certified fully licensed & Insured Home Inspector... *See about us
718-727-3013 * 917-561-5050
I am well versed and experienced in the problems and conditions unique to inspections on older built Brooklyn brownstones and attached row houses as well as being recently certified in green building and re-certified in brand new construction as the New York City Building Codes have recently changed. ** I am also well versed and experienced in trouble shooting damage and conditions in forclosed homes amd short sales.
Having your home inspected by HomeProbe Inspections Inc. as early as possible prior the buying process will give you the information you need. All the details I will be giving you would serve as your guide in making the right decision.
I use a teaching approach for the potential home buyer so that they are well informed about their potential purchase as well as to teach you proper maintenance for your new purchase. HomeProbe charges reasonable rates to inspect single/two family homes, town houses, co-ops, and condos, etc.
With over 40 years experience as a contractor in custom construction, and over 6,000+ inspections performed to date, my Brooklyn real estate home inspection service will be able to answer any questions that you my have in mind about the home you are about to purchase. Not only this, I will help you plan future maintenance as well. I include scoping for visible evidence of Termite/damage, asbestos, mold & mildew, as part of my fee, with repair suggestions which will help you know in advance what to expect and do for your new home.
I have a passion for homes and love what I do, and with my unquestionable expertise in the field, and over 40 years construction experience, I promise to give you the most credible house inspection service you require, and deserve. I perform each and every inspection myself and handle all appointments and any follow up phone calls, as well. It is my goal to impart dependable and trustworthy service to my clients; I also extend my service offers to Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Valley Stream LI.
Orient yourselves with my home inspection company and the home inspection services we provide through freely browsing my website. I also inspect apartment’s, co-ops, and condos, so if you have any queries and concerns, contact me as soon as possible for I look forward to giving you the best home inspection service you deserve.
Brooklyn Home Inspection |Brooklyn Home Inspections | Brooklyn Home Inspectors | Licensed home Inspector Brooklyn-Licensed Home Inspectors-Affordable-Real Estate-Pre-purchase, co-op, Condo-Townhouse, house, Commercial, Certified, Home Inspections, Brooklyn Inspector-Staten Island-Queens-New York City-Manhattan-Valley Stream.
Serving: Brooklyn Queens Staten Island Manhattan Valley Stream
Renovated Row House |